Email Open Rate This BB marketing metric basically refers to the number of people who open your emails. as this largely determines whether the recipient opens the email you send them. Check this metric often so you know if you are making the right decision in this regard. People often take this for granted, but it's a serious mistake, so be aware. Share on Social Networks It’s great to capture your target audience’s attention, but unfortunately, it’s not enough if your content doesn’t add value to them.
This metric is one of the most Pakistan Phone Numbers 29 Million List popular and objective indicators to understand how much value you provide to your users: if you get them interested enough to share it through them, you're on the right path! If not, don’t worry, any time is a good time to start detecting why your content isn’t performing well in this area in order to make changes and change the results bit by bit. Bounce Rate All content you create and share should not only provide value to your audience, but also be relevant to your organization’s mission. A well-trafficked post isn't all that great if it doesn't get users to continue browsing your site, learn more about your business, and become more likely to become interested in your services or products.

Therefore, it is important to analyze which pages have a high bounce rate and which pages are visited before leaving your website. Bounce rate helps you measure user satisfaction. This metric, along with dwell time, indicates whether people spent a long time on a page before bouncing. If it's long, he probably found what he was looking for on your page. On the other hand, if you bounce right away, you may not be getting a satisfying view, or the material may look bad. Lead Conversion Yes, the previous metrics are important, but you must always take the next step, which is converting people who consume your content into leads.